The services of the firm

Our global consulting

EU regulations on medical devices

Corporate consulting for application of legislation on Class III medical devices in accordance with EU Regulation 745/2020 for the certification of products and their introduction to the market.

Verification of compliance of certification requests and technical file in relation to CER legislation.

Verification of compliance of certification requests and technical file in relation to PMS legislation.

Coordination of procedures and corporate functions involved.

Corporate distress

Early arrangement with creditors.

Composition (direct or indirect going concern).

Liquidation arrangements.

Turnaround of companies experiencing corporate distress.

Collaboration with leading national players in the industry (financial, industrial, tax, legal,
labour-law and banking advisors).


Crisis composition agreements.

Consumer plans.


M&A Advising

Acquisitions and sales of minority and majority company stakes.

Acquisition and sale of companies.

Mergers, demergers and joint ventures.

Generational handover (also in relation to fiscal effects, cooperating with specialists in the area).

Stock listing, cooperating with qualified external parties (brokers, nomads, etc.).

Establishment of trusts and foundations.

Advisors for foreign and Italian funds

Consolidated relationships with leading US and UK funds, as well as Italian funds, family offices and asset management companies for identification of and assistance with M&A operations in Italy, particularly regarding restructuring operations for listed and unlisted companies and foreign legal practices.

Credit recovery

Assistance in credit recovery and identification of assets suitable for seizure (salaries, real estate, company stakes and third-party loans).

Assistance in the executive phase of credit recovery (seizure of assets from debtor, seizures from third parties, real-estate seizure).


Assistance and drafting of commercial contracts.

Leasing contracts.

Company leasing/transfer contracts.

Tender contracts.

Purchase/exchange contracts.

Contracts with suppliers
Settlement agreements.

Corporate law

Assistance to owners - establishment of companies, drafting of by-laws, governance structures, shareholders’ agreements, etc.

Assistance to owners with conflicts of interest - participation in shareholder meetings, assistance in the context of corporate arbitration proceedings (appearance before
Business Courts).

Assistance to companies - resolutions of the shareholders’ meeting and BoD, contracts, employment law, risk-management procedures, 231/2001 regulations, etc.

Civil, commercial and bankruptcy law

Bankruptcy law.

Damages deriving from breach of contract and failure to fulfil non-contractual obligations.

Damages deriving from traffic-related incidents.

Actions to safeguard property, limited real rights and rights of possession.

Actions regarding partition of inheritances.

Credit recovery - seizure or assets, real estate and third-party assets.

Eviction authorisation proceedings.


Assisted negotiation in the civil context.

Criminal law

Reati societari con particolare riferimento all’applicazione del d. lgs. 231/2001.

Diritto Penale tributario.

Diritto Penale fallimentare.

Diritto Penale del lavoro e Diritto Penale applicato alla sicurezza sul lavoro.

Reati ambientali.

Reati contro la famiglia con particolare attenzione ai maltrattamenti in famiglia ed all’omesso obbligo di assistenza.

Diritto Penale minorile.

Delitti contro il patrimonio.

Reati legati alla circolazione stradale.

Family and juvenile law

Separation procedures, procedures for annulment of civil effects and divorce.

Procedures regarding parental responsibility.

Child custody procedures.

Assisted negotiation in the family context.


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