
Informazioni e approfondimenti


The Covid-19 health emergency has transformed the economic situation into what observers consider the worst financial crisis of the last two centuries.
The global scenario, from both a production and financial perspective, has the dynamics of a “slow-release war”, in which companies are encountering, and will continue to encounter, increasing uncertainty and difficulties.

The situation is so complex that it cannot be tackled with “peace-time” corporate strategy. Many companies feel the need to overcome the current difficulties with a change in strategy for the future, which also considers the possibility of mergers, acquisitions, restructuring or generational handovers.

To do this successfully, properly and safety, we now need a broader strategic vision that enables us to effectively pool a range of expertise into a corporate plan, including: corporate law, M&A advising, management of corporate distress and management of foreign investment funds.

For this reason, we have created a high-profile strategic consulting service called FUTURO D’IMPRESA

FUTURO D’IMPRESA is aimed at companies seeking concrete and incisive solutions for the future. We offer direct support, providing “conflict” strategies and guiding and assisting the business owner and their family.

FUTURO D’IMPRESA is a strategic mix that makes it possible to identify the solution and launch a shared plan, carefully detailing each step and designed to resolve any issues arising along the way.

The pillars of this are:

• identification of the strategic idea

• sharing of the idea with the business owner and family

• preparation of the overall plan

• identification and organisation of a specialist task force to implement the plan

• implementation of the plan and management of all technical and legal aspects of the entire project.

The business owner will continue with our legal practice as a single point of contact for dialogue and guidance throughout the project.

With this method, we have successfully handled important operations in recent years. In certain cases, these operations have become examples to follow at the national level, including the first “debtor-in-possession” operation in Italy.

Our ability to effectively create strategies that combine highly specialised skills has gained us recognition from leading publications, including Milano Finanza (Legal Award 2020) and Capital 4.0 (Best Corporate Law Firms).

With FUTURO D’IMPRESA, we find pathways for businesses, in a world that is constantly shifting.

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