
Informazioni e approfondimenti


Even a small entrepreneur, a farmer, a professional, or a private individual can now face financial difficulties in a dignified and effective manner when unable to meet their commitments.
We help them escape a debt burden that would otherwise last a lifetime by analyzing their case and finding the right solution that allows them to start over, debt-free.

The economic crisis affecting our country, as a consequence of the Covid-19 health emergency, is creating difficulties for many individuals who find themselves in a state of permanent inability to pay their financial obligations on time.

Such a situation is legally defined as “over-indebtedness,” and it is a condition that can now be resolved thanks to a law specifically created in 2012 (Law No. 3 of January 27, 2012).
This law applies to all so-called “non-bankrupt” entities—those who previously had no legal means to declare bankruptcy: private individuals, intellectual professionals, artists, small entrepreneurs, agricultural entrepreneurs. In short, all those who do not meet the bankruptcy criteria set by Article 1 of the Bankruptcy Law can now resolve their “over-indebtedness.”

The law provides specific procedures through which individuals who have accumulated debt without fraud have the opportunity to start over, freeing themselves permanently from previously incurred debts.
The main tools are:

• The Consumer Plan, which addresses over-indebtedness incurred as a private citizen;

• The Debt Settlement Agreement, designed for debtors who have accumulated debts in the course of their entrepreneurial or professional activities.

These two procedures, together with the asset liquidation process, offer the possibility of starting anew and resuming life.

We are here, with all our experience and the professionalism of our firm, for those who need a solution. We personally guide our clients, step by step, with the utmost dedication, finding clear solutions and helping them understand every stage of the process they need to undertake.

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